Bangladesh is an agriculture based developing country. It has huge population, among them most of living under poverty and are suffer from hungry for food. Rice is our stale food. Every year the govt. export rice from the foreign country by the exchange of money to meet the hungry. Bangladeshi climate is suitable for the production of rice but the natural disaster is great problem for the production of more rice. Such disaster are: Flood, Storm and Saline water etc. Every year 25% of crop are being destroyed due to disaster. But it can be easily solve by using the modern technique of Biotechnology. Gene transformation is one of them. Many scientist have already produced this type of abiotic tolerant of rice plant. Beside this, diseases is also cause serious problem to produce much rice. This also overcome using gene transformation technique to produce biotic resistant variety of rice by the recombinant DNA technology.
So, I think it should be the best way to develop the rice variety to produce more and more rice in a small property of land. After all our population is increasing day by day but the land is still fixed.Several methods are being used for gene transformation, such as:
Agrobacterium mediated gene transfer
Chemically mediated gene transfer
Microprojectile bombardment method
Among those, Agrobacterium mediated gene transfer is more suitable than any other method. Because Agrobacterium tumefaciens is soil born natural genetic engineer. The transformation of dicotyledons by Agrobacterium is well established. But in the case of monocots it is not the general process. In the past monocots, particularly graminacious crop plants including important cereals like rice and wheat were considered to be recalcitrant to this technology and they were outside the Agrobacterium host range. However, transformation methods based on the use of Agrobacterium are still preferred in many instances because of the following properties:
Easy to handle
Higher efficiency
More predictable
pattern of foreign DNA integration, and
Lowcopy number of integration.
This vector was the discovery that the T-DNA and the Vir region could be separated onto two different plasmids.
Using this technique I would like to produce GM rice by introducing the folic acid biosynthesis gene into the rice plant. Folate is a B-group vitamin, also called folacin, critical for normal cellular function, insufficient intake causes megaloblastic anemia and there are strong linkages to cardiovascular diseases, various cancers and cognitive decline. It is also vital raw materials for red blood cell production in the blood and also have brain function.
Folic acid can be found in the leafy green vegetable, yeast, mushrooms, papaya etc.
After expressing this gene into the rice genome then, when the people eat the GM rice they will meet the sufficient folic acid that is crucial for the preventing of above diseases.